801-395-0666 | 1401 Wall Avenue Ogden, UT 84404
Farr West Auto Repair
Auto Repair Services Near Farr West, UT - Try Arnold Auto Repair
If you are looking for an affordable and trustworthy auto repair shop in Farr West, we hope you choose Arnold Auto Repair!
Arnold Auto Repair is Farr West's number one choice for auto repair. Our staff is well-trained with the goal of consistent and great customer service. We are conveniently located near Farr West. Drop by the auto repair shop today at 1401 Wall Avenue, Ogden, UT, 84404 any time, or give us a call at 801-395-0666 and schedule an appointment.
Maya S
We had a very random, unexpected car problem today. My husband and I are new to the area, so we searched for the nearest mechanic and found this place. The staff was extremely helpful, friendly, honest, and fair. Everything you could ask for in a mechanic. They had our car ready even earlier than expected! We will definitely make this our go to for car repairs!!